
Bright Sunshiny Day is a lifestyle blog focused on finding joy in the little things and during hard times. I believe that we determine our own happiness and outlook in life. Stuff happens, but we choose how it will affect us. Choose to be happy.

On Bright Sunshiny Day I will be sharing my love of crafts, home decor, food and life.

I was born and raised in Corpus Christi, TX until I moved to Utah in 2010 where I met and fell in love with Ben. We decided to make it forever and got married. My husband and I have been married for one amazing year. We are in the process of buying our first house and have moved into the basement of his parent's house to wait until our house is ready for us to move in. If all goes well we will be in our house in a month! These are some really big moments in our life and I have decided to document them here. 

Thanks for coming, 


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