Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Chocolate: A Dessert Cafe

On Tuesday Ben and I were able to go to the Jordan River Temple, which happens to be one of our favorite things to do together. On the way there we saw a cute little house, that has been turned in to a dessert cafe, on the side of the road. Ben and I love food (understatement) and I love dessert. We decided that we would stop by on our way home. Best decision ever! The Chocolate: A Dessert Cafe, is amazing in pretty much every way. It sits on a very busy road surrounded by strip malls and restraunts so, it brings a little breath of fresh air to the area. The customer service was great. The guy gave us tons of free samples and was super nice. I finally decided on the salted carmel frosted brownie with a tall glass of milk and Ben got the turtle brownie with a root beer. Sooo good. Seriously like heaven in your mouth. I think about that brownie all the time. I will definitely be going there again. Soon.


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